Monday, October 2, 2006

Day One

Es ischt schwierig, die Sache umzufassen, dass i' heut' ohne Job, ohne Dienungsmoeglichkeiten u. ohne voraussichtliche Plannung dieser Tag beginne. I' wuass aber nua, dass Gott sich nie andert, dass Sein Wort
immer treu bleibt, u. dass i' nie ohne seinem Uebersicht in meinem Leben je ein Tag gelebt hab'. Danke,
Vater Gott, dass Du mich so viel liabst! Danke, dass Du mir nix mangeln erlaubst! Du bischt immer guat!

There is a sensation that goes along with waking up unemployed that I had not fully anticipated.
I have to admit, though, it is a wonderful thing to feel like the weight of the world has been lifted from your
shoulders, in terms of the struggles and trials we deal with in ministry every day. I desperately love those
people God has given me as friends, and I love serving them--but there is a time for the field to lie fallow,
as well, God says. I'm praying that mine doesn't lie fallow for too long, but I'm rejoicing in the rest God has
made possible for me today!

I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and encouragement at the program last night at church. I know
without a doubt that God is for us, and I am even more excited after this reminder of His grace and goodness
to see what He has planned for us next!

Thank you to all my friends! You guys are wonderful to us!


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