I've had several people mention in the past few weeks that they were disappointed that my prior attempt at blogging was so short-lived. To be honest, it just got lost in the mound of stuff that I keep moving over on my to-do list from day to day. I'm pleased to be doing this again, and if it seems to falter, just give me a gentle (note the word "gentle"!) prod and I'll get back to it.
This is a good season in my life, I think. I feel like I'm finally growing into my 30's, now that I'm on the threshold of 40...but when have you known anything in my life to operate on everybody else's timetable? Kristi and I don't have everything we want--and that's good--but having each other has a great way of making material things take a back-seat to the daily assurance that you're loved. I know we talk a lot about how women have this big need to feel daily reassurance of love, and men need constant affirmation of their wives' respect, right? Honestly, though, one of the biggest benefits of having Kristi in my life--and I hope she would be able to say the same about me--is knowing that there's always somebody on your side. I have a sneaking suspicion my dear wife would stick up for me and support me, even if I were dead wrong about something, just because she loves me--and that's a very good thing to have in life!
Things are going well for us at West Marion Baptist, where we're currently serving. God has been gracious to us in allowing our lives to be touched by a number of new people here, and the roots of my heart have already grown quite entangled with theirs. At the same time, we are ready for God's will, whatever it may be, and I have discovered in the proposed church-planting venture that we've discussed before a touchstone of faith that I had never previously experienced. Though I've had confidence in my life about what God is doing at many times, there has never before been anything that was so real and tangible to me, though it doesn't yet exist. In dreaming and praying and seeking His will for reaching the lost, God has shown me how solid and immovable His plans for us are. Though I have never seen it, I know that the church community God wants to birth is already more real than many things I handle and observe every day.
I don't want to get too wordy. Give me some feedback. Drop me a note to let me know you read this blog, and what you thought about it. From time to time, I'll try to include some of what God has been teaching me during the week (the people at my church call these "sermons", though in truth they're just what God is doing in my own heart, set down on paper.)
Thanks for your time. May God richly bless you with the courage to pursue Him this week!
Hey! Thanks for posting up again! You know I hate to just call up in the middle of the night when you are supposed to be in bed with your wife. It helps that you have this that I can check when I get back from late nights at Starbucks and such. Did you get my ten minute voicemail btw???? Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steve, I'm new to this also. Oh well, anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I've been here. I miss the time that we used to spend together working at the barn. I would still like you and Kristi to see the house when you can come by. I'll try to "catch up" with you on your blog or at the lumber company from time to time.
Yeah, your right about me standing up for you. I've done it before and I will gladly do it again. It's great knowing that we are always there to support one another during the good times and the bad times....Thankfully there are more good times than bad. I love you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much.
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