Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Updates...updates...rambling stuff....updates...

Well, the missus informed me last night that it's high time I updated my blog, so here goes...

Last week was a whirlwind. We went to Orlando on vacation, had a great time in spite of the ample heat, and came back refreshed mentally, if not physcially. On the way home Friday, we had a flat tire that resulted in a LOT of lost time, sitting in the heat on the side of I-95 just north of the GA/SC state line. In the end, though, we got things fixed and got back on the road, limping into home around 12:30 on Saturday morning. Saturday afforded little chance to sleep and recuperate, as we had a commemorative ceremony and a family reunion to attend. At 3pm, there was a ceremony at the Simmons home on US-221 South in the Montford Cove community. The Sons of the Confederacy placed a marker on the grave of Powell Simmons, a former owner of the home and a distant relative. A much closer relative, my great-grandfather, had owned the home for about five decades, and so we were eager to see the house, which is being restored by the present owners. Immediately after the ceremony (which included the firing of a volley of black-powder muskets over the heads of the unsuspecting family members!), we made a hasty exit, in order to attend the Hawkins Family Reunion, being held at Pleasant Gardens Baptist, just across the street from our own house. It was good to see family members who are seldom around, but I had to launch head-long into work again as soon as that was past, to prep for Sunday: prayer list and bulletin for West Marion, the church I pastor, as well as Sunday morning's baby dedication at Pleasant Gardens and Sunday night's message at West Marion. Whew!! In the end, though, it was a great day Sunday. Curt and Carol Davis are super friends of ours, and it was a blessing beyond words to lead in dedicating their daughter, Ella Grace, to the Lord. Pleasant Gardens was home church for me and for Carol, and so it was just a special occasion to see our friends there and preach for the morning service.

A few hospital visits and a ton of writing later, plus the usual activities of life, and I'm growing sort of weary by mid-week. Not to fear, though--God always provides the biggest boost of strength at the time I'm weakest!

I have some goals that I'm working on this month: Completing some mandatory government paperwork, making some sort of measurable stride toward the research of our proposed church planting effort, maintaining better contact with some people very close to me, and getting my calendar onto my PDA/phone. Pray for me--at least two of these are going well so far, but I need some divine intervention if they're all going to come to pass!

As always, thanks for your love and prayers! Drop me a line to let me know you read my blog--maybe I'll enter you into the "Free Soup for a Lifetime" sweepstakes or something!

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