Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Status Report...

Several folks have inquired about our current "status", so let me give you the short version:

*We've just completed a long-term interim pastorate here in Marion

*We're actively pursuing God's plan for us, particularly in relation to our ongoing conversation with NAMB (the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention)

*We'll be living in the same spot, and I'll be spending more time working with the family business for the forseeable future

*I'll still be involved in all the ministries, like Mission Hospitals chaplaincy/CPC program, community youth ministries, etc.

*Our plan, Lord willing, is to visit some churches, both doing research on our potential NAMB project and allowing ourselves to be fed and encouraged spiritually. For the time being, we're beginning to make the rounds of some churches we've had on our "hit list"--usually ones we've attended a conference or spoken at, or ones with a reputation for successful evangelistic ministry. Our initial forays will probably be our of the local area, but there's a good chance we'll get time to visit with some of our friends at churches we already know and love, too!

*I'll probably work on some long-neglected writing projects and may do some selective speaking for conferences and things, but don't have plans to take on large amounts of work that will entail a lot of travel right now

On a personal note, we just got a new Memory Foam mattress and it is, in a word, "d'bomb"!!

Your ongoing prayers and support are much appreciated. As you know, any time of transition is stressful, but we're excited about the new opportunities that lie ahead of us right now.

One of my goals is to keep this blog better updated, so please keep me accountable for doing that!

God bless you all, we love our friends very much!!

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